Sunday, October 29, 2017

Week 2 Aspire to Succeed Awards

Well done to Connor Jorgenson and Eliza Shaikh for receiving the Aspire to Succeed award in our assembly last week.



On Friday we celebrated the Hindu festival Diwali - The Festival of Light. Everyone dressed up in beautiful outfits to celebrate the day. Take a look at Anjali, Saanchi and Raghav in their traditional outfits below. 

We also spent some time in class painting Diya, these are used as lights around the house to welcome festival spirits. 

Go to the website for more pictures of our fun filled day of celebrations. 


This week the kids took part in Kauri and Totara's EOTC Week! Activities included tent building, Survivor, Orienteering, Team building and many more fun things. Check out a couple of pictures below of our tent building and also take a look at the school website for more pictures. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Term 3 Aspire to Succeed

Well done to our Aspire to Succeed awards winners, Teresa and Zach!